Sunday, October 16, 2011

Moving Pictures

I really don't know how to ever begin these things-mostly because I think it's absurdly narcissistic and presumptous to believe anyone wants me to just spout out bits of information so assimiliation by anyone else; though I suppose that facebook (which I am fairly active on) isn't really all that different-so I guess I should approach it similarly.
My status update is this: I have seen a lot of movies in my time--in excess of 20,000 at last atttempted tally), and in an effort to not consider those hours a total loss, I'd like to shift the purpose of this blog to one that discusses what I've seen in those hours, not just random stuff that happens to me that I find interesting that I'm hopeful someone else will (click) "like".
Let me clarify. Some of this will be a synopsis of film, some a review, some an analysis. None of it is emperical. All of it is anecdotal. None of it is done with the intent to sway any given reader to certain viewpoint. All of it is to inform other viewpoints from the viewpoint of my own. I will account for only what I have seen, and how I reacted to it, thought of it. This is not to impel others to see movies that I discuss here. I simply am a movie junkie. No two ways about it. I love the creativity of it, the escapism of it, reality of it, historical accuracies, discrepancies, the performances, the artisanship--and I've seen movies that have truly changed my life positively, and others that have changed me because of a deep resentment for having spent the time and money to see them.
It really won't bother me if no one reads this. It won't bother me if someone thinks I'm a lunatic for doing this or because of my opinion on a given film. I won't be distraught if everyone ignores the link to this, or comments negatively and it will not bother me if "everyone" is like, four people.
I am doing this because I can recall what I've seen, and what it meant to me. If another player on this stage can benefit from my work, then on with the show. I will probably do an official kickoff blog-likely to do with horror movies, since they're a favorite, and since it's the month for such things to be more available, so stay tuned today, I guess. Or don't. I really don't care either way. Just happy to put my ideas, even of matters so trivial, somewhere other than the backburner.

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