Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the frog and the scorpion (with liberties taken)

one day a scorpion came to the shore line of a stream that he could not cross alone. he beckoned to a frog who was swimming nearby to come and help him across. the frog says, "no, for you are a scorpion, and the moment i get out of the water, either here or on the other side, you will sting me." the scorpion replies, "i promise with all that is in me i will not sting you when you get out of the water, here or on the other side."the frog hesitantly agrees, getting slowly out onto land, letting the scorpion crawl onto his back. he then re-enters the water and begins to cross.about half-way across the stream, where the water is at it's deepest, the scorpion suddenly curls forward and stings the frog. the frog screams, "scorpion! you promised me with all that is in you that you would not sting me!"the scorpion then says, "no, i promised you with all that is in me that i would not sting you when you get OUT OF THE WATER....and just so you know, all that is in me---is venom."

"why would you do that, scorpion?" the frog pleaded. "now we will both drown!!!!"

and the scorpion answers, "i can't help it."

"i'm a scorpion."

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